Overview of scientific studies that are referred to in the blog series CoreCooling
Racinais S, Alonso JM, Coutts AJ, Flouris AD, Girard O, González-Alonso J, et al. Consensus recommendations on training and competing in the heat. Br J Sports Med. 2015; 49:1164. [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
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Nielsen B, Hales JR, Strange S, Christensen NJ, Warberg J, Saltin B: Human circulatory and thermoregulatory adaptations with heat acclimation and exercise in a hot, dry environment. J Physiol. 1993, 460: 467-485. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar
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Périard, J. D., Eijsvogels, T. M., & Daanen, H. A. (2021). Exercise under heat stress: thermoregulation, hydration, performance implications, and mitigation strategies. Physiological reviews.
Tyler CJ, Sunderland C, Cheung SS. The effect of cooling prior to and during exercise on exercise performance and capacity in the heat: a meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med 2015; 49:7-13; PMID:23945034; http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1136/bjsports-2012-091739 [DOI] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
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Bongers CC, Thijssen DH, Veltmeijer MT, Hopman MT, Eijsvogels TM. Precooling and percooling (cooling during exercise) both improve performance in the heat: a meta-analytical review. Br J Sports Med 2015; 49:377-84; PMID:24747298; http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1136/bjsports-2013-092928 [DOI] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
Cooling interventions for athletes: An overview of effectiveness, physiological mechanisms, and practical considerations
Coen C W G Bongers a, Maria T E Hopman a, Thijs M H Eijsvogels a,b,✉
Cheung SS. Hyperthermia and voluntary exhaustion: integrating models and future challenges. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2007; 32:808-17; PMID:17622299; http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1139/H07-043 [DOI] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
Impact of Environmental Parameters on Marathon Running Performance
Nour El Helou, Muriel Tafflet, Geoffroy Berthelot, Julien Tolaini, Andy Marc, Marion Guillaume, Christophe Hausswirth, Jean-François Toussaint
The Role of Environmental Conditions on Marathon Running Performance in Men Competing in Boston Marathon from 1897 to 2018
Pantelis T. Nikolaidis, Stefania Di Gangi, Hamdi Chtourou …
Exercise, Performance and Temperature Control: Temperature Regulation during Exercise and Implications for Sports Performance and Training
Suzanne M. Fortney & Neil B. Vroman
Prevention of heat strain by immersing the hands and forearms in water
J R House, C Holmes, A J Allsopp
Arterio-venous anastomoses in the human skin and their role in temperature control
Lars Walløe 1,✉
The "AVA - organ”
Leif Vanggaard, Kalev Kuklane & Amitava Halder
Per-Cooling (Using Cooling Systems during Physical Exercise) Enhances Physical and Cognitive Performances in Hot Environments. A Narrative Review
Waffa Douzi, Olivier Dupuy, Dimitri Theurot, Juhani Smolander, Benoit University of Poitiers.
Laboratoire Mobilité Vieillissement Exercice (MOVE)-EA6314, Faculty of Sport Sciences, 8 Allée Jean Monnet, 86000 Poitiers, France
Schmit, C.; Hausswirth, C.; Le Meur, Y.; Duffield, R. Cognitive Functioning and Heat Strain: Performance Responses and Protective Strategies. Sports Med. 2017, 47, 1289–1302. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
Ruddock, A.; Robbins, B.; Tew, G.; Bourke, L.; Purvis, A. Practical Cooling Strategies During Continuous Exercise in Hot Environments: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Med. 2017, 47, 517–532. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version]
Shvartz, E. Effect of neck versus chest cooling on responses to work in heat. J. Appl. Physiol. 1976, 40, 668–672. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
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Filingeri, D.; Fournet, D.; Hodder, S.; Havenith, G. Mild evaporative cooling applied to the torso provides thermoregulatory benefits during running in the heat. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports 2015, 25, 200–210. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] [Green Version]
Increase of core temperature affected the progression of kidney injury by repeated heat stress exposure
Yuka Sato, Carlos A. Roncal-Jimenez, Ana Andres-Hernando, Thomas Jensen, … See all authors
16 OCT 2019https://doi.org/10.1152/ajprenal.00259.2019
Heat Strain, External Workload, and Chronic Kidney Disease in Tropical Settings: Are Endurance Athletes Exposed?
Daniel Rojas-Valverde 1,2,*,†, Guillermo Olcina 2, Randall Gutiérrez-Vargas 1, Jennifer Crowe 3
Core Temperature Response During the Marathon Portion of the Ironman World Championship (Kona-Hawaii)
Guillermo Olcina, Carmen Crespo, Rafael Timón, Jeffrey M. Mjaanes, Julio Calleja-González.
Pointon, M., & Duffield, R. (2012)
Cold water immersion recovery following intermittent-sprint exercise in the heat published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology.
Bleakley, C. M., & Davison, G. W. (2010)
What is the biochemical and physiological rationale for using cold-water immersion in sports recovery? A systematic review in British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Minett, G. M., & Duffield, R. (2014)
Is recovery driven by central or peripheral factors? A role for the CNS in recovery following intermittent-sprint exercise. Frontiers in Physiology.
Vaile, J., O’Hagan, C., Stefanovic, B., Walker, M., Gill, N., & Askew, C. D. (2011)
Effect of cold water immersion on repeated cycling performance and limb blood flow. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
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Effects of cold-water immersion on circulating levels of adiponectin and cortisol after high-intensity exercise. Journal of Sports Sciences.
Schaal, K., et al. (2015)
Exercise, hydration, and the risk of heat illness. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance.
Daanen, H. A. M., & Lamberts, R. P. (2018)
Cooling strategies for endurance athletes: What’s the evidence? Sports Medicine.
Peiffer, J. J., Abbiss, C. R., Watson, G., Nosaka, K., & Laursen, P. B. (2009)
Effect of a 5-min cold-water immersion recovery on exercise performance in the heat. British Journal of Sports Medicine
Soleimani, M., et al (2016)
Forehead versus neck cooling during exercise in a hot environment. Journal of Athletic Training
Nunneley, S. A., et al (1971)
Head cooling in work and heat stress. Journal of Applied Physiology
Shibasaki, M., et al. (2009)
Physiological and perceptual responses to face/head cooling during exercise in the heat. European Journal of Applied Physiology
Tan, P. M., & Lee, J. K. (2015)
The role of thermal skin receptors in thermoregulation: A review in Temperature analyzed how thermo-receptors in different facial areas respond to local cooling.
Maley, M. J., et al. (2017)
Influence of forearm and face cooling during simulated firefighting activity and recovery. Temperature
Kuhlemeier, K. V., et al. (1977)
Cooling the face of conscious humans reduces maximal heat tolerance. American Journal of Physiology
Coyle, E. F., et al. (1984)
Determinants of endurance in well-trained cyclists. Journal of Applied Physiology
Joyner, M. J., & Coyle, E. F. (2008)
Endurance exercise performance: The physiology of champions. Journal of Physiology
Seiler, S., & Hetlelid, K. J. (2005)
The impact of rest duration on work intensity and RPE during interval training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Saltin, B., & Astrand, P. O. (1967)
Maximal oxygen uptake in athletes. Journal of Applied Physiology
Periard, J. D., et al. (2011)
Effects of heat acclimation on cardiovascular function. Journal of Applied Physiology
Casa, D. J., et al. (2015)
National Athletic Trainers' Association Position Statement: Exertional Heat Illnesses
Nielsen, B., et al. (1990)
Muscle glycogen and lactate concentrations during prolonged, severe heat stress in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology
Heikura, I. A., et al. (2018)
Relationship between stress, bone health, and endurance sports. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Simmons, S. E., et al. (2008)
Cognitive performance and mental fatigue during prolonged exercise in the heat. International Journal of Hyperthermia
González-Alonso et al. (1999)
Hydration and Reduced Sweat Rate. Journal of Applied Physiology
Lambert et al. (2008)
Digestive Comfort and Nutrient Absorption. Sports Medicine
Febbraio et al. (1994)
Carbohydrate Demand and Fat Utilization. American Journal of Physiology
Marino, F. E., Mbambo, Z., & Kortekaas, E. (2002)
Advantages of Smaller Body Mass during Distance Running in Warm, Humid Environments. European Journal of Applied Physiology
Febbraio et al. (1994)
Effect of heat stress on muscle metabolism during exercise. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
Drust et al. (2000)
Effect of pre-cooling on the endurance performance of trained cyclists in warm and humid conditions. Journal of Sports Sciences
Daniel Rojas-Valverde et al. (2024)
Proteinuria and Significant Dehydration in a Short-Steep Triathlon: Preliminary Observational Report. Physiologia; published 6 November 2024
Johannus Q. de Korte, Coen C. W. G. Bongers, Maria T.E. Hopman en Thijs M.H. Eijsvogels (2021)
Exercise Performance and Thermoregulatory Responses of Elite Athletes Exercising in the Heat: Outcomes of the Thermo Tokyo Study. Sports Medicine.
Tyler C.J., Sunderland C., Cheung S.S. (2015)
The Impact of Pre-Cooling on Endurance Performance in Hot Environments: A Meta-Analysis. Sports Medicine.
Sawka M.N., Leon L.R., Montain S.J. (2011)
Heat Acclimatization to Improve Athletic Performance in Warm-Hot Environments. Journal of Applied Physiology.