about the CLM sensor

The CLM sensor measures 6 values continuously:

  • Heart rate
  • Lactate
  • Sweat-loss
  • Sodium concentration in sweat
  • Sodium-loss
  • Dehydration rate

The lactate value is measured by a combination of different variables. The CLM sensor measures lactate oxidase in sweat and combines these readings with other metrics to estimate blood lactate levels and to provide comprehensive data. A patented algorithm, refined through comparisons with actual blood samples, ensures accurate lactate readings in real-time.

On the OnaSport Product page you can find practical information on how to use the sensor. Below you'll find the most frequently asked questions.

Einklappbarer Inhalt

1. What is the reaction time of the CLM sensor for lactate values?

A common question is: How long does it take for the CLM sensor to notice increase/decrease in blood lactate level, knowing the measurements are being done in the collected body sweat of the athlete?

Below graphs are taken from the CLM Dashboard. This online Dashboard allows triathletes or their coaches to follow training sessions in real-time or as a tool to analyse trainings afterwards. The data shows that the reaction time of the CLM sensor is somewhere between <1min up-to around 2 minutes. Tipping points are easy to determine and values can be analyzed in detail, because the lactate measurement is done every single minute.

2. How accurate are the lactate measurements of the CLM sensor?

The basis of the CLM sensor is that sweat is collected in the cartridge ONAS10

through micro-fluid-channels. Then the sweat is analyzed and a special algorithm calculates and predicts concentrations of for instance blood-lactate.
The ONASPORT CLM sensor technology is protected by more then 5 patents.

The question is: how accurate is this blood-lactate prediction using sweat?

This accuracy question can be summarized in the following 4 steps:

Step 1: (view study)  
This study describes what is needed to be able to measure sweat with the use of ‘Micro-fluidic Wearable Technology’ in such a way that measurements can be accurate.

Step 2: (view study)
This study discribes how every component of the CLM device has undergone rigorous testing, both in vitro and in vivo. Conclusion is that the trials can be considered a great success since real-time sweat analysis was performed.

Step 3: (view study)
This study (April 2023) demonstrated that the technology used in the ONASPORT CLM sensor was able to predict blood lactate values: “The sensor demonstrated accuracy close to current portable blood lactate meters, resulting in less than 0.3 mM of accumulated error.”

Step 4:
To evaluate the lactate accuracy, the CLM sensor has been compared to the blood lactate readings of portable lactate meters such as Lactate Pro or Lactate Plus during incremental effort tests. At regular intervals of 3 minutes measurements have been done. More then 100 athletes have participated in tests to optimize the accuracy. During a period of over 6 months the accuracy was improved step by step. In Q2 of 2024 there were around 150 measurements done, to determine the accuracy of the blood lactate value of the CLM sensor at that time. Trained athletes were monitored during cycling and running.

The conclusion? When compared to portable lactate meters on the market, which are usually used by athletes, the results obtained are totally comparable in accuracy.

The above outcome is described in a White Paper, which is not yet published. If you like to be informed about this White Paper, please get in touch with Tri-excellence.

The accuracy will be improved even further step by step by measuring more athletes periodically and improving the algorithm continuously. Organizations that are involved are for instance the C.A.R. (High Performance Centre in Barcelona). Also Elite triathletes and coaches help Tri-Excellence to gather more data and experiences in order to contribute to the further optimization. These elite triathletes and coaches also write reviews that are shared on our elite reviews page.


3. What can I expect from the sweat/sodium-loss values?

Since the CLM sensor measures sweat and the technology is developed to measure several biomarkers in sweat, the sensor is also able to determine the below values:

4. Is there data exchange between the CLM sensor and devices likeGarmin/Wahoo or platforms like Trainingpeaks/Strava?

A special App and online Dashboard are build to let you profit from the real-time measurements as much as possible. At this moment there is no exchange yet with Garmin etc.

Of course the intention is clear; we want to have these connections arranged, but a specific timeframe can not be given.

It is possible however to export a CSV file of your training (see also the picture at question 7).

5. Do I have to pay for the App and online Dashboard?

No, not today. If the ONASPORT is purchased the usage of both the App and online Dashboard are included in the price. Should this change (at the moment of purchase) then this will be mentioned clearly on the website.

6. Do I have to take my mobile phone during training or can I trainwithout it?

The advice is to always carry a phone during training, for your personal safety. But for the sensor, both options are possible, the choice is yours.

If you take the phone with you during training outside, or place it on your cycling-trainer or treadmill, you can see the data in real-time on your phone. If the phone is near your CLM sensor, the data is transferred directly from the sensor to the App on your phone. If your phone has wifi or 4G/5G connection the data is also directly transferred to the online Dashboard. Once you ‘finish’ training in the App, all data is synchronized and stored. You can see the data-history of all your trainings in the App and in the online Dashboard.

You can also leave your mobile phone at home during training. Make sure your phone is connected to wifi or 4G/5G. You need to place the sensor on your body and make sure you start the training session. You will see the green V-signal in the App as a sign that the sensor is connected. Wait for heart-rate data to be displayed and then you are set to go. When returning, make sure you are in approximate of your phone (with wifi or 4G/5G) again. Then ‘finish’ training and all data will be synchronized with the App and online Dashboard.

7. How can my coach see my data?

If you give your coach your login-data (email and password), your coach can follow your data in the online Dashboard. Both history and in real-time.

Coaches can refresh data in the dashboard (F5-key) continuously to monitor the data in real-time (provided the athlete carries the phone during training).

8. Do I get updates when Tri-excellence improves the CLM sensormeasurements?

Yes. Improvements on functionality, ease-of-use and accuracy will be improved continuously. Users of the CLM sensor will get these updates as soon as they are available. Today this is included in the price. Should this change (at the moment of purchase) then this will be mentioned clearly on the website.

9. I read that the cartridge sensor can be used for 2 hours, how doesthat work?

The ONAS10 replaceable cartridge collects sweat. That sweat travels through micro-fluidchannels along several connectors. In the cartridge enzymes are incorporated and these react with certain elements in sweat. After around 2 hours these micro channels and enzymes are saturated and the accuracy that the connectors measure then decreases.

The 2 hour period starts after the athlete has started sweating and sweat values are displayed in the App. Only when these sweat related values are starting to be displayed in the App, the 2 hour period starts.

The 2 hours are a duration guidance. Specific circumstances can lead that the cartridges work a little shorter or longer.

10. What is the shelf-life of the cartridges and how should I store them? 

On the package of the ONAS10 sensor cartridges an Expiry Date is printed. This expiry date is calculated by adding 2 months to the production date. These 2 months are based on storage in room temperature environments.

However, the cartridges are stored at tri-excellence in the refrigerator. By doing so the displayed Expiry Date is extended by 6 months. So, if you store the sensor cartridges in a refrigerator as well, the sensor cartridges can be used up-to 6 months after the mentioned Expiry Date.

Make sure to let the cartridges reach room temperature before you start using them by getting them out of the refrigerator at least 2 hours before you start using them.