
Aaron Royle


"My lactate measurements vary. An example might be 5 x 8 minutes threshold and I would take a lactate test after repetition 2 and 4. The advantage of the CLM sensor would be real time continuous measurements without having to stop to take a lactate test."

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Clément Mignon


"I spend long sessions in lt1 and just with heart rate and power it is not enough. I need the lactate measurement. With the CLM sensor I could control lactate continuously during 30-40 min climb lt1 sessions, and see the evolution of lactate instead of just 1 measurement before and after."

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Franz Löschke


"I regularly take lactate measurements in my finger when cycling and running (at least once a week). The CLM sensor can take training to a whole new level. The home performance diagnostics can provide much more information about the training and you can draw conclusions much quicker. "

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Grace Thek


"As an athlete training independently with remote coaching, I now rely on old lab tests/perceived efforts to guide my training zones. I think the CLM sensor will allow for a more precise and tailored training program based on real-time, current lactate values with much less fuss than other devices."

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Jana Uderstadt


"I currently only do lactate measurements with my trainer. I hope to be able to control my training even more precisely with the CLM sensor. I train by watts when running and cycling, and I also have my heart rate monitored. Lactate values would give me new insights and put data into perspective."

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Joshua Lewis

United Kingdom

"I use a regular lactic monitor to measure my intensity, usually during lactic threshold 1 and LT2 sessions. This is inconvenient, invasive (literally drawing blood) and can disrupt a session. And I can only take one or two readings per session. The CLM sensor would make a massive difference."

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Justine Guerard


"I've done lactate tests with my trainer o fine-tune my training zones for cycling and running. The sensor could allow me to see if there's a change in my training zones and to make comparisons. It's an additional tool that I find quite effective!"

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Kacper Stępniak


"I use 10-15 lactate strips per week. The biggest benefit is that with the normal lactate meter you never know when to measure the lactate exactly, but with the CLM sensor the measurements are continuous. Another big benefit is that with the CLM sensor I can really rest between intervals."

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Kenneth Vandendriessche


"We test lactate about every 3 months in my coach's sports lab. I expect the CLM sensor to allow me to train in a more focused way and thus stay in the perfect zone. "

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Kristoffer Visti Graae


"I use lactate frequently in training. I use about 5-10 lactate strips a week at the moment. Instead of just a momentary snapshot I hope to be able to follow a trend with the sensor and sample more data over more training sessions. The CLM sensor sounds super interesting and would be a game changer!"

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Lasse Lührs


"I mainly use lactate measurement for threshold and zone 2 training, approx. 20-40 measurements per week. The CLM sensor makes sure that the training session is not interrupted. You have data at all times during the session and the measurements are not just isolated."

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Lisa Nordén


"The CLM sensor certainly sounds like a super interesting development for easier monitoring “at home” (as in not in a lab). For athletes like me who don’t have a big team around me but operate on a small budget it would be a game changer."

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Marc Dubrick


"Currently, we are monitoring my thresholds based on perceived effort and race data. My coach (mainly remote coaching) and I have always wanted to incorporate lactate into my training. We believe the CLM sensor can make lactate measurements more feasible and it will eliminate any guesswork."

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Marjolaine Pierré


"I do lactate testing on my own but it’s not the best method; you need to stop, open the pocket and start the process. I think the sensor is really nice to measure lactate especially for lt1 and lt2. I can see exactly the best speed/power to work with, thanks to data of the CLM sensor each 1 minute."

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Martin Ulloa


"I am currently using lactate (self measurement) for my threshold sessions in running and cycling so 2 to 3 times a week. I think the CLM sensor looks great because it is not invasive. I already use a heart rate monitor, so nothing would change in that respect. "

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Mattia Ceccarelli


"I usually test lactate during race pace training. Mostly myself, or my coach , when he is present. I really think this CLM sensor will be the new gold standard in training. It will be really useful during race pace, threshold and under threshold sessions, to be sure to work in the right zone."

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Maximilian Sperl


"I currently use lactate measurements about 3-4 times a week, especially during threshold training. I measure around 5-8 times during these sessions. My trainer isn't always on site for all sessions, so I take most of the measurements myself."

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Menno Koolhaas


"I currently do lactate testing at least once a week, usually at threshold workouts. My expectation of the real time sensor is that you can see which lactate curve you are in. And that you simply don't have to stop in the middle of your training to take lactate readings."

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Olaf van den Bergh


"I now measure with a portable lactate meter. The problem is that a bit of sweat in the sample already produces totally different values. It is also time-consuming and I only have a single value. Such a CLM sensor will shake up the established training ways and will be the future of sport-training."

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Pablo Donaire


"I am a Spanish triathlete who has qualified for the IM 70.3 in Taupo. I want to maximize my performance. I have made many lactate tests with portable meters, so I know how to train with these measures and my training zones are fixed based on them. The CLM sensor would give me much more data."

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Ruth Astle

United Kingdom

"I have done lactate testing in a lab in January and May. I hope the CLM sensor gives more data without lab tests. Given how quickly lactate levels can change it would be amazing to check that power/hr is correlating as we expect to increased fitness through lactate measures of the CLM sensor."

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Svenja Thoes


"I take several lactate measurements a week during Zone 3 & 4 training sessions. I'm looking forward to using the CLM sensor in training. Real-time data without having to pause to measure myself, sounds like a game changer."

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Youri Keulen


"I measure lactate in 4 workouts a week where I prick myself. With the CLM sensor the fiddling with the needle and the strips is no longer there. The biggest advantage is real life measurements with progression ín the block and not just after."

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