Chapter 12: Tri-excellence CoreCooling; how does it work?

Chapter 12: Tri-excellence CoreCooling; how does it work?

 The CoreCooling products consist of 4 parts:

  1. Base-layer (with 4 pockets)
  2. Arm-sleeves (with 1 pocket for each arm)
  3. Wrist-sleeves (with 1 pocket for each wrist)
  4. Head-band (with 1 pocket)

These cooling products can be used as pre-cooling, post cooling, but are specifically designed with the aim to keep the core temperature of the athletes body low(er) DURING training and races.

There are special innovative cooling techniques incorporated in the Tri-excellence CoreCooling products: 

The blue fabric; this is a special fabric that is highly absorbent and keeps water in the fabric, making a ‘layer of water’ in direct contact with the skin. This layer gives cooling in 2 ways:

  1. Evaporation cooling: by movement of the athlete, air flows along this fabric and this creates cooling.
  2. Convection cooling: the water-layer of the blue fabric functions the same as immersion in cold water. Coolness of the water cools the blood that flows along the skin.

 Cooling the blue fabric can be done in 3 ways:

1) The unique patches give a constant cooling temperature. The orange patch a constant temperature of 6°C (44°F), the blue patch a constant temperature of 15°C (59°F).

The patches cool the water in the blue fabric continuously.

2) Pockets. There are pockets that are positioned on top of the blue fabric in both the base-layer, arm-sleeves, wrist-sleeves and head-band. In these pockets the patches and/or ice-cubes can be placed to cool the water in the blue fabric. Also on top of each other.








3) Cold water. Some athletes throw cold water over their body to cool down. But this cool water effect lasts only for some seconds. When cold water is poured on the blue fabric it can be active for over an hour.

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